Third generation: the new face of Blackbird Woods.

A strengthening of its identity. Blackbird Woods is making its project more and more concrete, with a more defined form.

Young Paladins represent the new essence of the company as it expands into the Friuli region.

Sequals is a small village in the Pordenone area located at the foot of the Carnic Alps, in the heart of western Friuli. A land made of limestone-dolomitic material rich in stones, the Magredi,and perfect atmospheric excursions that allow a strong concentration of aromas in the grapes. 70 hectares of vineyards sheltered by the mountains yield Sauvignon, Pinot Grigio, Ribolla Gialla, Friulano, PinotNero, Refosco and Chardonnay.

Bosco del Merlo is counting on the new generation: Francesca, Martina and Valentino, the keepers of the family's traditions, the promoters of wines and places that are now identifiable, and the new guides for the winery. Francesca is in charge of exports for North America and Germany, Martina follows exports for Asia, Oceania and South America, and Valentino follows vineyard and production directly from Sequals.

Three dimensions of the same company, three hearts that beat for Bosco del Merlo and three passionate minds that sidedicate themselves to wine. Love of life, living territory and family roots are the common thread that binds the young people at the helm of the winery.

Boscodel Merlo bases its doing on the 4Vs that distinguish its environmental and social sustainability. Wine, Vine, Green, Life are the key words of a virtuous circle whose basic principles are to respect the Vine, protect the Green, produce a sustainable Wine, and protect Life. At the center is the vineyard as an ecosystem to be managed carefully and rationally in order to safeguard the biodiversity of the land, ensure qualitative productivity, and protect the health of the consumer and the environment.